Saturday, March 12, 2011

Winnemucca TIC

Look Holly! I remembered to post. My students are continuing to grow in stamina. I don't even set the timer any more. I've seen some BEAUTIFUL paragraphs from my second graders. I've introduced indenting and more than one paragraph in writing this month. We also revisited writing friendly letters. We've been busy and happy.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Michelle's survey post

I did finish tallying survey and then I set the results aside so that I could try to look at them more objectively that right after tallying.

So the top motivators are as follows:
free homework pass 29 class pet 49
extra recess 29 extra recess 40
class pet 29 lunch with teacher 40
lunch with teacher 22 prizes 31
extra computer time 22 free homework pass 25

So one thing that I observed is that our students generally prefer something simple as a motivator such as free homework pass, extra recess or a class pet. I wonder if boys like the extra computer time more for the games and do the girls prefer prizes for sharing with someone special?

As I look at the results one thing that pops out at me is that the total number of results posted, girls had 49 as their top while boys had 29. I will need to count the actual number of responses but I think I had close to the same number of boys and girls responding. I did notice on the boy surveys that most of them marked a few choices. Very few boys had more than 6 choices. While the girls for the most part did pick their favorite top ten. So I was wondering if this could be that females tend to pay attention to details and focused on the details of what the teacher directions were? I was also wondering if the boys did not put as many responses because they know what motivates them so why bother listing things that do not motivate them?

I now need to interview some teachers in how the survey might change what they do to motivate their students. After I complete those interviews, I will them post the survey results for all teachers and ask if they will reconsider what they use for motivators in their class.

My biggest task is now to delve into research. I am asking my blogging buddies to get on my case for this. My goal is to read each day and post a short summary statement of what I have read on the blog. I am getting excited for this project because I am starting to notices differences in what I am doing, even if it is only with myself.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kara's post

Hooray for the first set of CRT's being done! I can't wait to get my 5th graders back in the gym!

Emotions- 2, Journals-0

With the carnival and having kids in and out of the gym so much this last week I haven't done a whole lot of TIC work. From my observations, the retest of the PECentral Challenge went really well! I had a lot of kids who were super motivated to earn a pin! They worked hard and came in before and after school to practice the skills. My "mini lessons" (thanks Aaron for the idea!) have been going really well for the warm-ups. The kids have complained a little about running so much but when it comes time for the PBD and the Presidential Fitness Test, they will be happy they got so much practice in! The data we worked with the last time we met looks pretty good...I am trying to decide how many graphs to use with my data. I want to put it all together first and then I will share it with you all and get your input.

Other than that, not much for my TIC project! I can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

my aha moment

I'm using this project to complete my yearly evaluation-as I was writing my question finally soldify with me: What is the impact of students' writing when using the 4 square in conjunction in teaching trait writing?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I've finally read last month's write from my students, but here is my dilemma, do I use their Final draft to evaluate thier growth or the monthly writes. The monthly writes, in my opinion give a truer picture of growth, but the final drafts, well are better written. So which do I choose, or does it matter?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

lost my post again!

Okay, so I got here finally.   Holly had to send me the site again, and then I couldn't figuire out my login and password.  Then I typed something and it all disappeared when I went spell check.  :O(  So laugh at my tech skills if you want.  hahaha

So I am less stressed than we last met.  I started working with my students but it seems I have more questions than answers. 
I gave the students emotion surveys with options of:
    1.  Pi? I have heard of it, but I don't know much.
    2.  I know a little bit about Pi
    3.  I know about Pi and can do simple things with it
    4.  I am a pi expert!
Then please list all the many, varied, and unusual things you know about pi.

Then I gave them the chance to meet in the computer lab with me and work on making a pi day multi-media presentation.  They could choose what program to build it in, but I suggested  Most chose to use PowerPoint because they already knew it.  But a few tried the onetruemedia site. 

The plan was to have them during enrichment for two class periods and then they would have a presentation ready to share with their math class on pi day.  After the two days everyone wanted to continue because they were not happy with their finished product at the point.  I got to keep the 7th graders for a second week, and the 6th graders will return next time we have enrichment to complete theirs.  At the end of the second week (four class periods) I gave the 7th graders the exit survey with the same questions on it. Even though they had spent time showing each other new things they learned about pi, they didn't list many new things on their papers.  They didn't really want to be bothered with the paper because they were still trying to work more on their projects.  They asked to return again, but I will have to see if I will be allowed the time with them or not. 

If my enjoyment of this project counts for much, it was a success.  I loved it. The students were busy, engaged, not off task, and I wandered the room just watching with amazement. 
I am wondering if it will be as good/enjoyable when I redo it with my regular class of 7th graders (mostly struggling students). 

I am not sure my data will show much of anything.  I am really open for suggestions.  Is this going to be enough?  Should I go back to the other project?  Should I just say, hey, this was fun...but I didn't set it up right and I will try again next year?  I have ideas about wiki's still and I even think I will try some podcasting with students helping me build the lessons...based around Singapore Math lessons...where the students show their ideas in podcasts or at least screencasts, and then class time will be more of a fill time.  ???  So many questions, so many many possibilities, and so little focused direction on my part.  With all these new things to try and do, in a year when I am thinking of retiring in the not too distant future.  hmmmm   I wonder so many things.  This is the scattered thoughts of your crazy classmate.  (No I am not related to Walter Mitty.) 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

2nd Post

My actual point scale is 5 if 1 is high and 5 is low. Well, that is what it would have been on Friday. Now that I read responses and look through what has been done, I realize I have more done than originally thought. so it is slowly moving up the scale towards a 3. I will definately look into the Lto J ideas. Thanks ladies.

Lisa Freeman

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11th Second Post

Emotions: 2.5

With the feed back that I received I will continue doing what I had planned , that is the most recent plan: comparing a fully digital writer's workshop to a pencil/ paper traditional writers workshop.

My goals:
1. Journal
2. Continue to collect data.
3. Continue the digital writers workshop format, even when I am frustrated with it.

Thanks for the advice!

Message to all TIC Bloggers!

I'm thinking Aaron is right about our emotions ratings. Some of us may be mixed up. Please go back and check your numbers. 1 is your happiest!! WOO HOO!!! 5 is your ready to quit! I know that I got them mixed up, too. I had to go back and changes mine. Anyway, please check and fix if needed. Happy TICing!!!

Treena's Post copied from Holly's comments section! LOL!!!

My emotions - about to succumb to abandonment of the project. I realize I do this to myself, but I am paralyzed by too many variables, thoughts etc. Aaron gave me great advice last TIC when he said to simplify, but I am having a hard time with that.

Oh, my question: What happens when I use different strategies to teach the same grammar concept to high school english students?

I think that is the first time I have actually articulated my question. Perhaps that could be the problem? I'm overwhelmed with the scope of grammar and haven't figured out how to narrow it down. But, even as I'm writing, I'm thinking maybe I should just focus on commonly confused words such as then, than. Okay, now I'm renewing my committment to reflecting in writing - journaling. It helps me sort out my thoughts. Already, I'm feeling like I can do this and I haven't done anything except blog.
By Treena!
Trisha's post 1
Emotions #: 2

My Question: What is the effect of using painting activities as a reward for difficult (behaviorally) classes?
Since last session: I've continued collecting data, trying to figure out a quicker way to collect some of my dat.
What I need help on: A quicker way to collect data. Um and HOW do we teach w/o a voice. And I TOTALLY FORGOT TO DO THIS POST. ACCCK.

2nd Post - Courtney

Well, I'd say I'm still around a 2... maybe closer to a 1 because of everyone's encouragement! :)

I've decided to just keep on going the way I am. After all, I haven't really been stuck or frustrated just little road blocks. It feels weird to think that I'll just keep going the way I have been... collecting data and working in technology whenever possible. It almost seems like this is too easy? I should knock on wood!!

So my goals for next time:

1. Journal!
2. Try harder to incorporate meaningful technology lessons once a week.
3. Keep collecting data.

Thanks everyone!

Kara's Second Post

First thank you Blogging Buddies! You have given me a lot to think about!

Emotions- 2

I am going to go with the group ideas of looking at one aspect of the PBD and focus on how close the kids were to improving in one skill for the first graph and add the other graphs as we go. I am also going to talk with all 3rd-5th grade teachers and see if I can get them involved in doing a graph lesson based on the data from PE.

Goals would be to create the graphas and talk to the teachers.

I am excited to see how this all goes! Thanks again everyone!
I do like the blog. Just need to make time each day to post something. So Holly, does this count as a journal entry since we are sharing our thoughts? Just joking but I do want to print off my posts and responses from others to be part of my project.

Kristina 2nd Post

I feel I am at a 4 now.

I will try to have my students more accountable for their word wall. I will revisit my expectations and have the students share at the end of class occasionally. I think that these steps will help with their progress.

1. I will revisit my expectations with my students on the word wall.
2. I hope to have one completed project by the next meeting.

Aaron's Second Blogging Buddies Post

Sweet Emotions #: 3-my next step is daunting, but important!

Thoughts: I need to help them start talking about their thinking. Guiding them in question-asking and creating some learning groups to do a problem over a few days.

Goals: Get some concrete plans on my mini-lessons for how to help them discuss their work. Use written questions such as I listed, and Kara's ideas of learning communities to help them start thinking about their questions. I might even give them the answer, and have them focus on the justification.

Kenna's Second Post

Emotion - 2

I think I will go with group conferences and I will try to do them at others times than just during math. I am also going to work on a rubric for the conferences. Those are my goals. Let's see how it goes.

Michelle's Question

I am still not sure of my question. I go back and forth between gender motivation and gender curriculum.

I was reading a power point from the Single Sex Classroom Conference I attended in Vegas and it does give ideas of how teachers can be more effective with both genders. It also states that over the years we as a society have started to favor females.

So since our last class I have started looking up resources about gender specific practices in the classroom. I realize that I need to be objective about what I am reading because a certain biasis usually comes out.

nonconventional comment post #2

I'm sorry that I do not have any marvelous suggestions on how to use technology in your classroom, as you can see I am far from a computer guru. That being said, I love the way you are making it work in your classroom and the virtual comic strip project was a great implementation. I can see it holding terrific appeal for students. If you don't mind I think I'm going to steel it and adapt it for my third graders. Vocabulary work has to be done biweekly to be effective and its hard to find ways to keep it fun and interesting.
Emotion: 2

I am a little frustrated in that it seems I cannot find the TIME to get surveys out so I can gather data.

I finally tallied the MAP motivation survey from the 5th grade. I was a bit surprised by the results in which the boys and girls had close to the same percent that were/were not motivated. I thought for sure that the boys would of had a higher percentage motivated by food. Hmm???

Aaron's Blogging Buddy Post

Emotions #: 2 (1 is high, 5 is low).

My Question: What is the effect of two 15 minute mini lessons/week when used to teach third grade to do CRT style constucted response math problems.

Since last session: I've continued collecting data, and added a new data piece-weekly open ended questions that hopefully will show how they think about math. Also I've taken my emotions survey down from 2xs/week to once/week.

What I need help on: How do I help them think critically about math problems? I need mini-lesson ideas to get them thinking deeper about the questions. My ideas-drawing pictures of the problems, and having the few successful ones share with the class how they did it.

Kenna's First Post

Emotions: 4

Question: What happens to 4th graders' ability to articulate their mathematical thinking both orally and in writing when a one-on-one conference model is used in the classroom?

Since the last time we have met I have focused on math. The students have done some amazing thinking. I feel confident with my question but am finding it challenging to implement the one-on-one conference in my classroom on a regular basis (everyday). I want to do as many conferences as possible so that I have as much data as I possibly can. I need to develop opportunities to have one-on-one conferences. I have been thinking on how to accomplish this and I think the best way is it to be more of an informal conference. I feel as though my data collection is too in depth and I have a challenge and feel overwhelmed when trying to fill it out and meet the needs of the student while having a successful conference.

That's my biggest challenge so far. Any ideas how I can make this data collection process easier? Also, do you think group conferencing would work? I have done a few group conferences where I have had students of all different abilities meet with me and discuss their mathematical thinking. I am surprised that all the students participate and I am providing those experiences for the students that face challenges with expressing their mathematical thinking to hear their peers discuss their thinking and then talk about it. Could I collect data on this too? (Or am I thinking too big again?)

Thanks guys. I appreciate all your ideas.

nonconventional responses

Alright buddies,
Since I am completely challenged and am unable for some completely unknown reason able to post comments, I have decided to respond to each of you and Holly via a new post. I apologize for it not being able to respond to each of you individually.

Holly: In response to your blog post, I must be honest; I'm not loving this whole class via computer interaction thing. I see the value in it, especially when live meetings are not an option, but I feel I get so much more from live contact with other human beings. I'm okay with it occasionally to meet time needs as we all have very busy lives, but I truly hope this doesn't become the norm in future years. There is a lot to be said for meeting with your peers on a face to face basis.

Kris: Regarding your students word wall sheets, what if you were to allow them to add their words directly to the wall themselves? it may give them more ownership of the process.

Courtney: Thank you for trying to help me with my comment posts, I tried again as you suggested making sure that I was clicking the post comment button, but it didn't matter. I will be commenting on your TIC post from here in a few minutes. Thanks again for trying to help me.

Kara's Blogging Buddies Post

Emotions: 2 or 3 Making steady progress
Journals: 8

What type of extrinsic motivation works best for students?

Wow where to begin...A lot of interesting things have been going on with my project since our last meeting.

All 3rd-5th graders had their 2nd Personal Best Day (9 minute run, curl ups, push ups) and I was really surprised by the data. My 5th grade self motivated class had only a handful of students who recorded on their exit slip that they wouldn't like to do another PBD. Everyone else put how excited they were about it. What was interesting to me, is since I know who filled out each paper, it was the students who didn't improve in anything that didn't like the PBD. If a student improved in at least one area, they wrote how much they liked it. While this surprised me a little bit, I was shocked with the results from my 4th grade challenge class. All but 7 students said they thought it was fun and would want to do it again. The kids who didn't like the PBD from this class were the ones who had interpersonal issues during PE that day.

The next week my self motivated 5th graders had earned their 2nd game of Star Wars. They are the first class to earn the game and were super excited about it! They didn't want PE to be over and all kids wanted to play again.

4th grade did the PECentral Challenge this week where they can earn pins based on how many challenges they complete. This class had several "pot stirrers" absent and they had a great day. The kids were very motivated to earn the pins! All but 1 student said they wanted to try this again.

The 2nd grade class I had chosen as my challenge class had been being really good for several weeks and I was sure that the exit slip and filling out how hard they were working was making the difference. The last two weeks however, they went back to being the way they were when I originally chose them. While I didn't like this as a teacher, it really helped my TIC project! We did parachute games one week (something younger kids love) and this class didn't get to play every game due to their personal choices. This carried over to this week. The kids who had wanted to play the games were very vocal to their classmates to make good choices. The reminders from classmates seemed to snap the kids out of the attitude problems they were having which was interesting because this class has a lot of cattiness between the girls.

1st grade is my self motivated class and this week they struggled. I think it is because so many kids were sick. They still worked hard, but they were not the same as "normal."

OK now that I have written a novel...

Help: I am going to be making posters for each grade level (3rd-5th) about their Personal Best Day and I am wondering what to include on it as well as if I should make additional posters for my two data collection classes.

Here are my ideas for my poster so far:
Include how many students improved in one task, two, or all three
Include how many students met their goal in one task, two, or all three
Divide this out by class?

Anything else you can think of? Also let me know your thoughts about my data so far!




So far I have posted 2 comments. one to Holly and one to Kris, but while my original posts are appearing on the blog my comments are not. am I doing something wrong???


I forgot to post my emotion survey....I'm at a 2 this week.

Nov. 11 Post Kristina

My emotions I think are at a 3 making steady progress.

My question is whether using spell checker on the computer when typing finished products can help improve student spelling.

Since the last meeting I have identified my students that I am going to follow. I have had 1 writing assignment and I have recorded their spelling errors on their rough draft. I have not been able to complete to process of having the students type them and use the spell checker, due to CRT prep. With CRT's so close we are working on test taking skills and written responses. I will not be able to finish this first project until after CRTs.

I really don't have any questions at this point. I think the only thing that I am concerned about, might be time. When ever I incorporate technology into my class it takes so much more time than if they just rewrote the assignment. Luckily I have chosen students that are pretty efficient and I believe that I will be able to accomplish more writing with them and publishing because they get their assignments done quickly.

I do have a question. I gave my students their own personal word wall sheet to record words that they spell incorrectly and then once it is on the word wall they are to never spell that word wrong again. I am having a hard time getting them to put the words on their sheets. Any ideas?

That is where I am for now.


Feb 11 Blog Buddies Post

My emotional survey is at a 1. With everything that has happened since I was last able to meet with my TIC class, it seems that my project, questions and research has taken a back seat. Basically, I'm kinda freaking out. I did do a mid year feelings survey about math, however have not compared the data. A lot of my observations happen in class then I forget to write it down!

Just to remind everyone, my question is "Does implementing daily math journals improve students and teacher attitude towards math?" I have added the desire for the students to become more metacognitive but still not sure how to incorporate that element into the question.

Anyway, my informal observations and discussions with students as well as their basic journal responses have shown a definate increase in enjoyment in math as well as a lot more students understanding the concepts.

Now, I wonder if it really has anything to do with the journals as relating to my original question! I have been lucky enough to be a part of Tina's math pd and really have taken to the idea of "allowing them to forget". I realize now that I have been doing that! I noticed a change in attitude not just with implementing journals but also with my moving onto the more indepth 5th grade concepts. Hmmm...

Anyway, what I would like is thoughts on--
  • Is my original question of using journals to improve attitudes still acceptable?
  • Do I just add in the metacognitive part or make the whole question regarding metacognition?
  • Suggestions on how to be more on top of journal entries for myself.


First Post - Courtney

Before I get started... I'm a slacker and forgot who my group is! :( I think its Jan Walker, Liz Speakman and Jenny Wallace? Help - so I know who's post to respond to! Thank you!

First, I'd rate myself about a 2.

My question is along the lines of.... what happens when technology is used in the classroom? Does it affect student learning or motivation or both?

I left the last meeting kind of frustrated because I really want to use technology to help my students learn - but I wasn't sure what extent that was being done. I wanted to reevaluate how I was using my technology and the activities and lessons we did with it. I'll be honest, I haven't really used the technology much the past few weeks.

I was in the middle of trying to come up with a meaningful vocabulary lesson for my financial algebra class. They never seem to take the vocabulary words seriously. The class is probably one of the most useful they will ever take and they aren't relating vocab to the real world! So I came across this website called Pixton where you can make your own comics. I was a little worried at first, but their is an education section where teachers can make up their own classrooms, assign projects and monitor students. So I dove in. Thank you creators of Pixton! The assignment was to use 5 vocab words in a "real-life" comic. Honestly, I wasn't that impressed with many of their final projects - but the conversations they were having with their partners on how to use those words were amazing! They were thinking on a much higher level about the vocabulary. Overall, I'm pretty pleased. :)

As for my Algebra classes, I'm still collecting data. This week we did a review using groups and every 4-5 minutes, one of the members switched groups. I explained how this meant that you would be talking, learning and teaching from potentially the entire class if everyone held up their end of the bargain. It worked really well. We'll see how their test goes.

I guess what I need from the group is maybe some ideas on how to incorporate more technology? Or at least how to incorporate it meaningfully? I'm thinking I'm going to try to incorporate it at least once a week. Then, I can make sure I have data on lectures, group work and technology? Any thoughts are appreciated!

Tic project update

Greetings all.
Well here is a quick update on how my project is coming.... It's not. With preparing my students for test taking strategies and reviewing for the upcoming CRT tests (there are only 7 teaching days left before D-Day) I haven't been consistently focused on positive parent contacts. In truth I've dropped the ball over the last two weeks and now I fear my results will be skewed.
So here is my question for all of you: should I stop my project here and go with the data I have already collected, or should I begin collecting data again next week?

First Post Feb. 11th Class Holly

Emotions for now, because I'm so exited about today's blog experiment I'm at a 2. We will see how it goes by the end of today I may end up a 1 or a big sad 5!

My Question: What happens to our TIC class when a blog is incorporated into the meeting process?
( I plan to get a bit more detailed in my question. For now that's the gist of it.)

Since last meeting and the meeting before, I've been reminding TIC folks about the blog through email and word of mouth. I have asked all participants to complete a survey letting me know if they used the blog and if they feel they have access to the blog. What I discovered is that most have complete access but most do not use the blog. From the circumstances of today's meeting I developed the idea of blog buddies and actually assigning the use of the blog for today's meeting. I am expecting great success! I will compare this to the first meeting we had back in November that was completely blog based. I will then survey everyone again asking for some comparison ratings November meeting to Feb. meeting. I'm thinking the blog buddy system will be the key to success. I will follow up with watching to see if folks continue to use the blog, continuing with the blog buddies, without it being an assignment that takes the place of a class. With this year's TIC, I've noticed that each step of my process I am figuring out as I go! At least I'm starting to collect data and I am set on a focus! FINALLY!!!

What I need from the group: Can you give me any ideas for what to do as I continue this blog exploration? Just now, I got another idea! The way we post what we need from our group may impact what response we get and how much help we my post, it's vague, lacks focus because I'm not really sure what I need.But, I read Liz's post and what she needs from her blog buddies is direct. I'm excited because every post typed in the blog is my data. I can access this stuff any time and analyze in many different ways. Unlike our face-to-face meetings when once we've said our thinking, it's no longer accessible, unless I've videoed class.
Thanks for your help! Can't wait to hear from you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

First Post for Feb. 11th Meeting

  1. To begin, my emotion survey: I am in the middle at a “3”.
  1. My question as of February 10th is: What happens when the writing process is taught digitally, from brainstorming to the final draft?
    • Since our last meeting I have finished a writing piece with the students where they had to complete all of the writing process steps, from brainstorming to editing / revising, by hand. When the students completed the assignment they typed their final draft on the computer. I created an attitude survey and had the students fill it out. I am feeling good because I finally have some data! J
    • My next step is to begin the next piece of writing and I will have the students use the computers for the entire writing process. I will teach mini lessons to go with each part of the writing process; that way the students will be able to see the writing process digitally and the thinking that is involved when publishing digitally. In addition, I have been journaling some, which is important as this process and the thoughts running through my head change on a daily basis. I am planning on using my journaling as data. I think it will be helpful in telling the story of this journey.
  1. The next step: I will be teaching the writing process and working through a piece of writing with the students (digitally). The assignment will be different than the above-mentioned assignment. I am wondering if that will skew my data. Group, do you think I should have the students create a similar piece (as the hand-written to computer published assignment) so that the writing is similar to compare? Also, after comparing “paper/ pencil to digital” to “fully digital” writers workshop should I have the students publish a piece of work on the computer that is not a traditional piece of writing (website, PowerPoint, bog, etc.) and then administer an attitude survey to serve as another piece of data, or does that not really relate to my focus?

If you have thoughts for either of these questions or suggestions please advise me.

Thanks! Liz

Lisa Petersen--Feb. 11th--First Post

Emotions Survey..4...holding steady
My questions is what is the impact of teaching parents the comprehension strategies that I am using in the classroom.
I held a parent night in January. Good News=We had a fair amount of students and parents. Bad news=not many students turned in their homework. My original plan was to have another parent night in February. I made the decision to call each of my students instead because I was fearful that the parents of the students who were not doing their homework wouldn't come. They were the ones I needed to talk to the most.
Monday and Tuesday evening of this week, I called all but four of my students. I had great conversations with many. I thanked the parents of the students who had been doing their homework and many were surprised. That made me feel good. A few parents of the students who had not been doing their homework did not make it to January's parent night and they did not know that their child even had homework. So they thanked me for the phone call as well.
Did it work....I don't know. Their homework was due today, Thursday. I took my little one to Salt Lake to the doctor, so I don't know who handed in their work. Maybe I can check in the am before I log on.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winnemucca TIC by Cherié Baker

Well, I think I have decided to end this journey. I really like the idea of teacher inquiry, and I still believe my question and project have merit, but I have no subjects, so without subjects I can't collect data, and without data, I have no project. I recently got in touch with two of my pervious subjects, and one's mom withdrew him from the program stating time issues as her reason. The other subject has returned to Leighton Hall, but I only had initial contact with her, so the mentoring program can't be to blame, and she is being sent to a rehab. program, so I won't have the opportunity to re-initiate contact. I have two potential subjects in my classroom right now, but I have been told that they both will be sent to other facilities upon their release from Leighton.

I feel Jessie's pain. It is very difficult to conduct any type of research without a normal classroom environment. I thought about starting all over, but I have no idea how long any of my students will be here, so collecting data would be a nightmare. If anyone has any suggestions on how to solve this problem, please send them my way. I'll be looking for comments, and still plan on attending the Feb. 19th session, but that will probably be the last one unless someone comes up with an amazing suggestion.


Cherié Baker

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I thought I would do a quick post before Friday... to talk about where I am at. I am doing some exit slips at Holly's suggestion. Overall I see a real response to paws... I did forget to send out a schoolwide bulletin who won.. I did ask for it to be announced on monday but I am not sure it made it. I think I need to acknowledge the winners in my room somewhere or even on a bulletin board. So students see visibly that I am following through with this. Also I had an interesting class w/ one of my target classes. I probably jinxed their behavior by bringing up how good they were doing. The first part of the class I was like wow it has been a long time since I've had "fun" teaching these students. Then it all broke down. A student used the cutting board which is sharp and dangerous. One had a meltdown because someone sat on his coat. Another just couldn't seem to do what I asked. Anyhow, reflecting back I see that I first never should have mentioned how well they were doing. Second I think they needed more specific guidelines about what we were teaching. For most it was a very simple task... but for a few I was speaking another language. It was an interesting day because it wasn't the "usual suspects". I think the "usual" ones have had everyone working with them and they saw that we were all following through. I think they also saw in art was more fun for them when They have (Positive) attention from me. I also acknowledged how well they were doing w/ Paws and with my attention. The "unusual suspects" Are used to flying under the radar because their needs are a bit lower than the ones we were working with before. Their reaction to being asked to take a break in the hall... was way overboard in part because I think they arn't used to it being them who gets in trouble. So that was very interesting. Their classroom teacher said it had been that way since the others behavior has turned. She said they have had needs but the others were soo beyond theirs that they kind of got pushed to the back burner so to speak. Now their needs are really obvious. So interesting day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cherié's January Post (Wmca TIC)

Hi all,

Sorry this has taken me so long to post. I wasn't very motivated during the Winter Break, and when was overwhelmed coming back to my classroom after break, and then I was gone for a few day, and then I had to catch back up again, and now I'm learning a new attendance program, and, I sure sound whinny!!! Anyway, my project sort of slowed down over break, but I have a new student subject, and I begin working with her next week. She is only 15, of course female, and is a child of a single parent, and is going to be home schooled. This is exciting because this subject is totally different from my first subject, being male, 17, and well established in the high school community. I thinking I will be able to gather some good data from these two subjects.

My goals were to develop a matrix for the questionnaire which is completed. I was also to think about ways to tie in the journaling aspect of mentoring with the Ruby Payne resources which I'm still working on. I am developing journaling questions that deal with specific resources that students are lacking based on their questionnaire answers. Using my first subject, I have begun developing these questions based on the highest prioritized resource. This seems to be working, and it also ties in with my last goal which was to begin developing a package programs. Journaling questions will tie to resources, and can then be used to help subject develop the resources that they are lacking. I'm feeling good about my progress, and I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the 19th.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Behavior Plan

So I started last week my behavior plan. I explained it to all of my classes and the kids were very positive about it. Even more encouraging my 'target' classes were very responsive. They even suggested the reward I had in mind for them. We agreed upon four weeks of 5 stars them earning a painting party. I was so very excited that this was THEIR suggestion. I was sick my last 2 days so those classes did not get and explanation. It was really rewarding for me to begin handing out my token economy AKA ( Panther Paws For Praise) and the students were very excited to get them. Also, the other 2 specialist teachers began handing them out as well. I haven't had a chance to talk with them much about how it went for them. I was pleased by the positive response from the students. I think this is going to make other students aware of what their peers are doing to earn the reward. I think my target umm grade really needed more structure. With the guidelines more clear they are doing much much better.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Okay, Holly, I am posting!

Focus would be a very good thing, I still have so many questions running through my mind. I believe, maybe, that my questions will be: How will my 7-12 students learn and retain as much knowledge with a less structured, more discussion/projects/research type class setting as they do in a structured setting with more traditional daily homework and regular assessments? I am probably not done writing my question yet, still does not sound the way I want it to. Then how and when am I going to measure the results? What class will be my trial class and why will I use that class? Will one semester really give me any accurate results?

In reading the posts on this site at least I know I am not the only one with questions and doubts.

J Maynard, Lund, NV