Friday, February 11, 2011

2nd Post - Courtney

Well, I'd say I'm still around a 2... maybe closer to a 1 because of everyone's encouragement! :)

I've decided to just keep on going the way I am. After all, I haven't really been stuck or frustrated just little road blocks. It feels weird to think that I'll just keep going the way I have been... collecting data and working in technology whenever possible. It almost seems like this is too easy? I should knock on wood!!

So my goals for next time:

1. Journal!
2. Try harder to incorporate meaningful technology lessons once a week.
3. Keep collecting data.

Thanks everyone!


  1. Courtney,
    Just wondering about your emotions... 1 is the highest, feeling good, 5 is that you're ready to quit! I know the number thing feels weired, I had it backwards this morning. Anyway.... I'm hoping you are thrilled and feeling good about your work! It's not suppose to be harder, as long as you are reflecting and your thinking is deeper! Happy day!

  2. Haha - yup, I have it backwards!

  3. It sounds as if you are enjoying your project and have it focused. I am not sure what I could help you with at this I will just say...keep going. :O)
