Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cherié's January Post (Wmca TIC)

Hi all,

Sorry this has taken me so long to post. I wasn't very motivated during the Winter Break, and when was overwhelmed coming back to my classroom after break, and then I was gone for a few day, and then I had to catch back up again, and now I'm learning a new attendance program, and, I sure sound whinny!!! Anyway, my project sort of slowed down over break, but I have a new student subject, and I begin working with her next week. She is only 15, of course female, and is a child of a single parent, and is going to be home schooled. This is exciting because this subject is totally different from my first subject, being male, 17, and well established in the high school community. I thinking I will be able to gather some good data from these two subjects.

My goals were to develop a matrix for the questionnaire which is completed. I was also to think about ways to tie in the journaling aspect of mentoring with the Ruby Payne resources which I'm still working on. I am developing journaling questions that deal with specific resources that students are lacking based on their questionnaire answers. Using my first subject, I have begun developing these questions based on the highest prioritized resource. This seems to be working, and it also ties in with my last goal which was to begin developing a package programs. Journaling questions will tie to resources, and can then be used to help subject develop the resources that they are lacking. I'm feeling good about my progress, and I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the 19th.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cherie,

    I'm glad you have a new subject. Are you having to change your questions? I don't think you are a whiner at all. We came back and got overwhelmed too. That's why I haven't checked in to the blogs in a while. Uh-oh I'm whining!!
