Saturday, March 12, 2011

Winnemucca TIC

Look Holly! I remembered to post. My students are continuing to grow in stamina. I don't even set the timer any more. I've seen some BEAUTIFUL paragraphs from my second graders. I've introduced indenting and more than one paragraph in writing this month. We also revisited writing friendly letters. We've been busy and happy.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Michelle's survey post

I did finish tallying survey and then I set the results aside so that I could try to look at them more objectively that right after tallying.

So the top motivators are as follows:
free homework pass 29 class pet 49
extra recess 29 extra recess 40
class pet 29 lunch with teacher 40
lunch with teacher 22 prizes 31
extra computer time 22 free homework pass 25

So one thing that I observed is that our students generally prefer something simple as a motivator such as free homework pass, extra recess or a class pet. I wonder if boys like the extra computer time more for the games and do the girls prefer prizes for sharing with someone special?

As I look at the results one thing that pops out at me is that the total number of results posted, girls had 49 as their top while boys had 29. I will need to count the actual number of responses but I think I had close to the same number of boys and girls responding. I did notice on the boy surveys that most of them marked a few choices. Very few boys had more than 6 choices. While the girls for the most part did pick their favorite top ten. So I was wondering if this could be that females tend to pay attention to details and focused on the details of what the teacher directions were? I was also wondering if the boys did not put as many responses because they know what motivates them so why bother listing things that do not motivate them?

I now need to interview some teachers in how the survey might change what they do to motivate their students. After I complete those interviews, I will them post the survey results for all teachers and ask if they will reconsider what they use for motivators in their class.

My biggest task is now to delve into research. I am asking my blogging buddies to get on my case for this. My goal is to read each day and post a short summary statement of what I have read on the blog. I am getting excited for this project because I am starting to notices differences in what I am doing, even if it is only with myself.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kara's post

Hooray for the first set of CRT's being done! I can't wait to get my 5th graders back in the gym!

Emotions- 2, Journals-0

With the carnival and having kids in and out of the gym so much this last week I haven't done a whole lot of TIC work. From my observations, the retest of the PECentral Challenge went really well! I had a lot of kids who were super motivated to earn a pin! They worked hard and came in before and after school to practice the skills. My "mini lessons" (thanks Aaron for the idea!) have been going really well for the warm-ups. The kids have complained a little about running so much but when it comes time for the PBD and the Presidential Fitness Test, they will be happy they got so much practice in! The data we worked with the last time we met looks pretty good...I am trying to decide how many graphs to use with my data. I want to put it all together first and then I will share it with you all and get your input.

Other than that, not much for my TIC project! I can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

my aha moment

I'm using this project to complete my yearly evaluation-as I was writing my question finally soldify with me: What is the impact of students' writing when using the 4 square in conjunction in teaching trait writing?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I've finally read last month's write from my students, but here is my dilemma, do I use their Final draft to evaluate thier growth or the monthly writes. The monthly writes, in my opinion give a truer picture of growth, but the final drafts, well are better written. So which do I choose, or does it matter?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

lost my post again!

Okay, so I got here finally.   Holly had to send me the site again, and then I couldn't figuire out my login and password.  Then I typed something and it all disappeared when I went spell check.  :O(  So laugh at my tech skills if you want.  hahaha

So I am less stressed than we last met.  I started working with my students but it seems I have more questions than answers. 
I gave the students emotion surveys with options of:
    1.  Pi? I have heard of it, but I don't know much.
    2.  I know a little bit about Pi
    3.  I know about Pi and can do simple things with it
    4.  I am a pi expert!
Then please list all the many, varied, and unusual things you know about pi.

Then I gave them the chance to meet in the computer lab with me and work on making a pi day multi-media presentation.  They could choose what program to build it in, but I suggested  Most chose to use PowerPoint because they already knew it.  But a few tried the onetruemedia site. 

The plan was to have them during enrichment for two class periods and then they would have a presentation ready to share with their math class on pi day.  After the two days everyone wanted to continue because they were not happy with their finished product at the point.  I got to keep the 7th graders for a second week, and the 6th graders will return next time we have enrichment to complete theirs.  At the end of the second week (four class periods) I gave the 7th graders the exit survey with the same questions on it. Even though they had spent time showing each other new things they learned about pi, they didn't list many new things on their papers.  They didn't really want to be bothered with the paper because they were still trying to work more on their projects.  They asked to return again, but I will have to see if I will be allowed the time with them or not. 

If my enjoyment of this project counts for much, it was a success.  I loved it. The students were busy, engaged, not off task, and I wandered the room just watching with amazement. 
I am wondering if it will be as good/enjoyable when I redo it with my regular class of 7th graders (mostly struggling students). 

I am not sure my data will show much of anything.  I am really open for suggestions.  Is this going to be enough?  Should I go back to the other project?  Should I just say, hey, this was fun...but I didn't set it up right and I will try again next year?  I have ideas about wiki's still and I even think I will try some podcasting with students helping me build the lessons...based around Singapore Math lessons...where the students show their ideas in podcasts or at least screencasts, and then class time will be more of a fill time.  ???  So many questions, so many many possibilities, and so little focused direction on my part.  With all these new things to try and do, in a year when I am thinking of retiring in the not too distant future.  hmmmm   I wonder so many things.  This is the scattered thoughts of your crazy classmate.  (No I am not related to Walter Mitty.) 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

2nd Post

My actual point scale is 5 if 1 is high and 5 is low. Well, that is what it would have been on Friday. Now that I read responses and look through what has been done, I realize I have more done than originally thought. so it is slowly moving up the scale towards a 3. I will definately look into the Lto J ideas. Thanks ladies.

Lisa Freeman

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11th Second Post

Emotions: 2.5

With the feed back that I received I will continue doing what I had planned , that is the most recent plan: comparing a fully digital writer's workshop to a pencil/ paper traditional writers workshop.

My goals:
1. Journal
2. Continue to collect data.
3. Continue the digital writers workshop format, even when I am frustrated with it.

Thanks for the advice!

Message to all TIC Bloggers!

I'm thinking Aaron is right about our emotions ratings. Some of us may be mixed up. Please go back and check your numbers. 1 is your happiest!! WOO HOO!!! 5 is your ready to quit! I know that I got them mixed up, too. I had to go back and changes mine. Anyway, please check and fix if needed. Happy TICing!!!

Treena's Post copied from Holly's comments section! LOL!!!

My emotions - about to succumb to abandonment of the project. I realize I do this to myself, but I am paralyzed by too many variables, thoughts etc. Aaron gave me great advice last TIC when he said to simplify, but I am having a hard time with that.

Oh, my question: What happens when I use different strategies to teach the same grammar concept to high school english students?

I think that is the first time I have actually articulated my question. Perhaps that could be the problem? I'm overwhelmed with the scope of grammar and haven't figured out how to narrow it down. But, even as I'm writing, I'm thinking maybe I should just focus on commonly confused words such as then, than. Okay, now I'm renewing my committment to reflecting in writing - journaling. It helps me sort out my thoughts. Already, I'm feeling like I can do this and I haven't done anything except blog.
By Treena!