Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I thought I would do a quick post before Friday... to talk about where I am at. I am doing some exit slips at Holly's suggestion. Overall I see a real response to paws... I did forget to send out a schoolwide bulletin who won.. I did ask for it to be announced on monday but I am not sure it made it. I think I need to acknowledge the winners in my room somewhere or even on a bulletin board. So students see visibly that I am following through with this. Also I had an interesting class w/ one of my target classes. I probably jinxed their behavior by bringing up how good they were doing. The first part of the class I was like wow it has been a long time since I've had "fun" teaching these students. Then it all broke down. A student used the cutting board which is sharp and dangerous. One had a meltdown because someone sat on his coat. Another just couldn't seem to do what I asked. Anyhow, reflecting back I see that I first never should have mentioned how well they were doing. Second I think they needed more specific guidelines about what we were teaching. For most it was a very simple task... but for a few I was speaking another language. It was an interesting day because it wasn't the "usual suspects". I think the "usual" ones have had everyone working with them and they saw that we were all following through. I think they also saw in art was more fun for them when They have (Positive) attention from me. I also acknowledged how well they were doing w/ Paws and with my attention. The "unusual suspects" Are used to flying under the radar because their needs are a bit lower than the ones we were working with before. Their reaction to being asked to take a break in the hall... was way overboard in part because I think they arn't used to it being them who gets in trouble. So that was very interesting. Their classroom teacher said it had been that way since the others behavior has turned. She said they have had needs but the others were soo beyond theirs that they kind of got pushed to the back burner so to speak. Now their needs are really obvious. So interesting day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cherié's January Post (Wmca TIC)

Hi all,

Sorry this has taken me so long to post. I wasn't very motivated during the Winter Break, and when was overwhelmed coming back to my classroom after break, and then I was gone for a few day, and then I had to catch back up again, and now I'm learning a new attendance program, and, I sure sound whinny!!! Anyway, my project sort of slowed down over break, but I have a new student subject, and I begin working with her next week. She is only 15, of course female, and is a child of a single parent, and is going to be home schooled. This is exciting because this subject is totally different from my first subject, being male, 17, and well established in the high school community. I thinking I will be able to gather some good data from these two subjects.

My goals were to develop a matrix for the questionnaire which is completed. I was also to think about ways to tie in the journaling aspect of mentoring with the Ruby Payne resources which I'm still working on. I am developing journaling questions that deal with specific resources that students are lacking based on their questionnaire answers. Using my first subject, I have begun developing these questions based on the highest prioritized resource. This seems to be working, and it also ties in with my last goal which was to begin developing a package programs. Journaling questions will tie to resources, and can then be used to help subject develop the resources that they are lacking. I'm feeling good about my progress, and I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the 19th.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Behavior Plan

So I started last week my behavior plan. I explained it to all of my classes and the kids were very positive about it. Even more encouraging my 'target' classes were very responsive. They even suggested the reward I had in mind for them. We agreed upon four weeks of 5 stars them earning a painting party. I was so very excited that this was THEIR suggestion. I was sick my last 2 days so those classes did not get and explanation. It was really rewarding for me to begin handing out my token economy AKA ( Panther Paws For Praise) and the students were very excited to get them. Also, the other 2 specialist teachers began handing them out as well. I haven't had a chance to talk with them much about how it went for them. I was pleased by the positive response from the students. I think this is going to make other students aware of what their peers are doing to earn the reward. I think my target umm grade really needed more structure. With the guidelines more clear they are doing much much better.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Okay, Holly, I am posting!

Focus would be a very good thing, I still have so many questions running through my mind. I believe, maybe, that my questions will be: How will my 7-12 students learn and retain as much knowledge with a less structured, more discussion/projects/research type class setting as they do in a structured setting with more traditional daily homework and regular assessments? I am probably not done writing my question yet, still does not sound the way I want it to. Then how and when am I going to measure the results? What class will be my trial class and why will I use that class? Will one semester really give me any accurate results?

In reading the posts on this site at least I know I am not the only one with questions and doubts.

J Maynard, Lund, NV