Friday, February 11, 2011

Treena's Post copied from Holly's comments section! LOL!!!

My emotions - about to succumb to abandonment of the project. I realize I do this to myself, but I am paralyzed by too many variables, thoughts etc. Aaron gave me great advice last TIC when he said to simplify, but I am having a hard time with that.

Oh, my question: What happens when I use different strategies to teach the same grammar concept to high school english students?

I think that is the first time I have actually articulated my question. Perhaps that could be the problem? I'm overwhelmed with the scope of grammar and haven't figured out how to narrow it down. But, even as I'm writing, I'm thinking maybe I should just focus on commonly confused words such as then, than. Okay, now I'm renewing my committment to reflecting in writing - journaling. It helps me sort out my thoughts. Already, I'm feeling like I can do this and I haven't done anything except blog.
By Treena!

1 comment:

  1. Treena,
    You need to write, write, write because; obviously that is what helps you focus. I think your idea of focusing on commonly confused words is doable...just do it! Set up your data collection plan and do it! I will be checking in on you. On your mark, get set, GOOOOOO!
