Wednesday, February 16, 2011

lost my post again!

Okay, so I got here finally.   Holly had to send me the site again, and then I couldn't figuire out my login and password.  Then I typed something and it all disappeared when I went spell check.  :O(  So laugh at my tech skills if you want.  hahaha

So I am less stressed than we last met.  I started working with my students but it seems I have more questions than answers. 
I gave the students emotion surveys with options of:
    1.  Pi? I have heard of it, but I don't know much.
    2.  I know a little bit about Pi
    3.  I know about Pi and can do simple things with it
    4.  I am a pi expert!
Then please list all the many, varied, and unusual things you know about pi.

Then I gave them the chance to meet in the computer lab with me and work on making a pi day multi-media presentation.  They could choose what program to build it in, but I suggested  Most chose to use PowerPoint because they already knew it.  But a few tried the onetruemedia site. 

The plan was to have them during enrichment for two class periods and then they would have a presentation ready to share with their math class on pi day.  After the two days everyone wanted to continue because they were not happy with their finished product at the point.  I got to keep the 7th graders for a second week, and the 6th graders will return next time we have enrichment to complete theirs.  At the end of the second week (four class periods) I gave the 7th graders the exit survey with the same questions on it. Even though they had spent time showing each other new things they learned about pi, they didn't list many new things on their papers.  They didn't really want to be bothered with the paper because they were still trying to work more on their projects.  They asked to return again, but I will have to see if I will be allowed the time with them or not. 

If my enjoyment of this project counts for much, it was a success.  I loved it. The students were busy, engaged, not off task, and I wandered the room just watching with amazement. 
I am wondering if it will be as good/enjoyable when I redo it with my regular class of 7th graders (mostly struggling students). 

I am not sure my data will show much of anything.  I am really open for suggestions.  Is this going to be enough?  Should I go back to the other project?  Should I just say, hey, this was fun...but I didn't set it up right and I will try again next year?  I have ideas about wiki's still and I even think I will try some podcasting with students helping me build the lessons...based around Singapore Math lessons...where the students show their ideas in podcasts or at least screencasts, and then class time will be more of a fill time.  ???  So many questions, so many many possibilities, and so little focused direction on my part.  With all these new things to try and do, in a year when I am thinking of retiring in the not too distant future.  hmmmm   I wonder so many things.  This is the scattered thoughts of your crazy classmate.  (No I am not related to Walter Mitty.) 

1 comment:

  1. Jan,
    This is wonderful!!! I think what you said is right, Should I just say, hey, this was fun...but I didn't set it up right and I will try again next year? YES!!! That is what you say because this reflects your thinking process and how the project effeted your thinking and learning. Go through the process with your struggling students and then you will have some comparison data based on the emotions survey, your observations (which I hope you are writing down!) and the actual finished product created by your students. For example, I think it's interesting that students chose to use power point because they knew it, rather than exploring with something new....what does that have a focus, keep with what you are doing, keep writing in your notebook as you observe student behaviors and jot down quotes from students. This is going to be wonderful!
