Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winnemucca TIC

I'm busy doing lesson plans. I think when school begins next week I will begin some mini lessons. I've noticed a few of my students begin many sentences with "and". We will work together on some other word choices. I also want to start whole group lessons on personal narratives. My second graders have already written some topic choices. I want to give them a chance to write to some of their choices.


  1. Barb,
    Happy New Year!!! Good to hear that you are planning your mini lessons for next week. Do you have a resource to get mini-lessons from, like the Calkins books? Katie Wood-Ray is also a wonderful resource. Can't wait to hear how it all goes. Make sure you have a plan for collecting your data!

  2. Barb-I have Katie Wood's book check out Lucy Calkins primary mini-lessons ( I believe I saw a set in the SFA room)

  3. Dear Barb,

    I really like the idea of mini-lessons. I use them frequently in my classroom, and it seems students really get a lot out of them, and I can track improvement readily. I'm sure this strategy will work for you also. Using a quick pre- and post-assessment may be one way to track and record data. Just a thought. Talk to you soon. Cherié Baker

  4. Great ideas gals, thanks for the comments. I will check out Calkins books! Personal narratives have been fun for most of the class. I've got a couple who can't write about one idea. They are all over the place. We continue to write, but the class lost the ability to sit down and write over Christmas. We are stepping back and addressing.....sit down....this isn't the time for "how do you spell" you can't look out the window now.....please turn back to your paper instead of visiting with your fun fun

  5. Barb-sounds like you have a plan. Are you using a writing rubric to?
